Monday, 19 January 2015

The National Occupational Classification (NOC) is a system of organizing information about occupations in Canada. Every occupation in Canada has a NOC job description, which provides listings of the main duties, employment requirements and job titles. These descriptions are identified by a four-digit code called the NOC code.
Knowing the NOC code for the job you are interested in can make online research easier and quicker. This is because many job search services organize their job listings and occupation information by the NOC code. Here’s how the NOC code works:
• The first number identifies the sector. There are 10 sectors in total (0–9). For example, 0 refers to management occupations, while 6 refers to sales and service occupations.
• The second number refers to the level of education or training the job requires (1–6). Generally:
Ø  1 requires a university education
Ø  2 or 3 requires a community college or apprenticeship training
Ø  4 or 5 requires a high school diploma and/or job-specific training
Ø  6 usually requires a short demonstration or on-the-job training
• The third and fourth numbers refer to specific occupations within the sector.
In the example on the right, the 2 refers to the sector Natural and Applied Sciences; the 1 means it generally requires a university degree; together, the code 2146 is the code specific to aerospace engineers. Because the NOC groups occupations that are similar to each other, it is easy to find information about occupations that are related to your occupation of choice. This can be useful if you cannot find a job in your occupation and want to broaden your job search.
Locate the NOC website ( On the home page, click on Occupational Structure (on the left-hand side of the page).

Task 1:
List the 10 sectors that the first digit of the NOC code refers to. In small groups, brainstorm three occupations for each sector.
Task 2:
Think of an occupation you would like to enter in Canada (either as a survival job, or in the
occupation you are trained for). Which of the above sectors is this occupation in?
I want to find a job in number 6 (6421) sector as a survival job.

Task 3:
Imagine that you want to apply for a position as a sales clerk in a department store. Find the NOC information related to this position. Answer the questions below.
A. Go to the NOC home page. Look for the site search bar. Enter the number that represents
the appropriate sector and click on GO. The first and second number of the NOC code represent
the Major Group.
       a) How many Major Groups are listed in this sector? What are they?
There are six Major Groups in this sector. They are:
Major Group 62
Retail sales supervisors and specialized sales occupations
Major Group 63
Service supervisors and specialized service occupations
Major Group 64
Sales representatives and salespersons - wholesale and retail trade
Major Group 65
Service representatives and other customer and personal services occupations
Major Group 66
Sales support occupations
Major Group 67
Service support and other service occupations, n.e.c.

       b) What Major Group is the Sales Clerk occupation listed under?
The Sale Clerk occupation is under the Major Group 64.

       c) What types of occupations are within this Major Group (represented by the three-digit code)?
641 Sales and account representatives - wholesale trade (non-technical)
642 Retail salespersons

2. What is the four-digit NOC code for a Sales Clerk?
Sales Clerk's NOC code is 6421.

3. Click on the NOC code for the Sales Clerk and read the NOC description. What kind of information can you get from the NOC description?
From the NOC description I can get these information about 6421: example titles, main duties, employment requirement, additional information.

4. Read the example titles in the NOC description. Do you think knowing these titles can be useful in your job search? How?
5. Read the main duties in the NOC description. List the duties you think are most relevant to this position.
6. How and where do you think you could use the statements about job duties?
7. How could you use the other information included in the NOC description (e.g., employment
requirements and additional information)?
8. The information under Classified elsewhere lists related occupations. Choose one and click on its NOC code to view its NOC description. Compare the main duties with those of the Sales Clerk. How are they similar or different?
B- Find the NOC code for an occupation that interests you. Read the NOC description for this
occupation. Prepare a short presentation for the class about this occupation. Include related job
titles, main duties and employment requirements.

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